Valley Metro Rail – 19th Avenue & Montebello Station
The starter line of the Metro Rail has 28 stations. This station is located at the end of Line Section 1 and includes art features by artist Bob Adams. The landscape design for this station included low water use trees in a specialty structured soil mix designed to promote plant health. Vines were utilized to aid in cooling the station area and provide seasonal interests. A special group of vines and trees were researched and tested for use on all stations. The pavement patterns and hardscape materials were part of the landscape architecture design. This station is adjacent to an area Park & Ride, Transit Center, and TPSS.
Valley Metro Rail – 19th Avenue & Camelback Road Station
This station is located at the second to last stop at the end of Line Section 1 and includes art features by artist Josh Garber. The pavement patterns and hardscape materials were part of the landscape architecture design. This station is adjacent to an area Park & Ride.
Valley Metro Rail – 7th Avenue & Camelback Road Station
This is the third station from the north end of the Metro Rail 28 stations. This station is the first of 3 stops within Line Section 1 and includes art features by artist Ilan Averbuch. The pavement patterns and hardscape materials were part of the landscape architecture design and created in collaboration with the Artist.