Projects - Planning

ASU University Drive Master Plan

The 3.5 mile arterial roadway added bike lanes and a landscaped median to control traffic as part of a minimum impact solution. Pedestrian enhancements that provided a landscape buffer and 10ft wide sidewalks with comfort and rest nodes at ¼ mile intervals we added to a preferred solution. The project area between Mill Avenue and Rural Road included 8 focus areas of pedestrian and bike travel enhancements. The plan identifies the addition of a transit bay as a primary access point, a relocated mid-block signalized crossing, and a pedestrian stumble option for the College Avenue Intersection. The major innovation of this project is a dual lane concept of fast and slow travel traffic behind the curb. Wheeled travel is separated from non-wheeled travel by a landscaped buffer and both are detached from the curb with another buffer.


Tempe, AZ

Project Type


Planning Projects

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