Projects - Parks and Rec

Mesa Lehi Shared Use Path 

The Mesa Lehi Path project encompasses two trailhead development sites, situated at McDowell Road/Lehi Road and Val Vista Road/202N. Each trailhead is designed to accommodate equestrian use and features a monument sign for identification. The Val Vista Road trailhead, nestled amidst native Sonoran environments, boasts a paved driveway and parking loop layout. With parking available for 12 passenger vehicles and 3 horse trailers, the design incorporates a central median within the parking loop to accommodate a LID bio-swale basin. Equestrian staging is organized in a parallel configuration, complete with hitching posts, paddocks, and a water service connection for animal drinking purposes. The trailhead design includes a distinctive node featuring a seat wall, gila monster pavement feature, and a "bat-wing" shade structure.


Mesa, AZ

Project Type

Parks + Recreation

Parks + Recreation Projects

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