Projects - Parks and Rec

South Mountain Park Ponderosa Stables Art

This City of Phoenix Parks & Recreation project redeveloped 2 existing parking facilities at the South Mountain Park. The Ponderosa Stables equestrian facility had 2 separate parking areas that required improvement to drainage, delineation, fire truck access, and dust control. The project designed new parking lots of stabilized decomposed granite and a flush 12” wide concrete ribbon curb around the perimeter of each lot. The project included new lighting for the lots with a weathered western themed fixture and cor-ten steel poles. A new deceleration lane was added off-site on Central Avenue as part of this project. These improvements were coordinated with an City of Phoenix Arts & Culture project that provided a unique saguaro entry gate done by local artist Kevin Berry, and included landscape improvements to the project frontage areas.


Phoenix, AZ

Project Type

Parks + Recreation

Parks + Recreation Projects

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