Roadway improvements made to Miller Road from Pinnacle Peak Road to Parkview Road including a vehicular bridge crossing at rawhide wash as part of the improvements related to the Rawhide Wash Flood Hazard Mitigation Project. Theming for this project included weathered steel fencing with wildlife inspired cutouts of eagles on each panel. All placemaking and theming concepts were developed using digital 3-D modeling software. HP+D also provided native plant inventory throughout rawhide wash.
Roadway improvements made to Miller Road from Pinnacle Peak Road to Parkview Road including a vehicular bridge crossing at rawhide wash as part of the improvements related to the Rawhide Wash Flood Hazard Mitigation Project. Theming for this project included weathered steel fencing with wildlife inspired cutouts of eagles on each panel. All placemaking and theming concepts were developed using digital 3-D modeling software. HP+D also provided native plant inventory throughout rawhide wash.
This project is a newly completed nature park in Payson. HP+D participated as a consultant on the master planning, construction documents and construction of this twenty-six acre, $8.5M park. The park includes the design and construction of a 2.5-acre lake, 500 feet of recirculating streams, two sports fields, pickleball and sand volleyball courts, three (3) bridges, two restrooms, six picnic shelters and a play area. Work included site inventory and salvage, drainage, irrigation and extensive earthwork.